
Welcome to my blog! Here, I will log my adventures in a world, that will strive to see me fall into society's twisted sins and lies. Am I a saint? Well, no...but my intentions are to be a reflection of what I know and believe.

And that is to find my identity.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Back to Yesterday

Before the world's clutter invaded the peaceful streets of my mind, I believed nothing bad could happen to me. The sky was always blue. The grass green. And the sun, a bright star shining for me. The world was at peace. That was then...

In today's society, the sky is no longer blue, the grass no longer green, and the sun just seems to create large shadows for the world to cower in. My world is consumed with the ways of the real world. I've always had a problem with the way people live. They're ignorant and naive. They know nothing. They're lifeless robots that clank and clatter through life with no purpose or motivation. The only thing on their mind is...themselves. Their motto, "Its better to ask for forgiveness than permission". Where is the good in this?

To the World...

There are so many awful and terrible things that today's society promotes. Not to mention the fact, that the world has so many outlets and ways to reach the ignorant. The media is filth. I heard a rap song the other day and I was appalled by how he described his female "friends". Where did degrading remarks towards others become "okay" or "normal"? Did that man's father teach him that by the way he acted towards his wife? There is no respect for others or women these days and it's unfortunate.

The world is gambling. Society's image of popularity is: be a drinker, be a smoker, be a "go-getta", and be "YOURSELF". How can you be yourself with society's mirror image reflecting back at you an image of disaster and lacking self worth. There are many teenagers getting into the inescapable box of drug addiction and alcoholism because of this. Who are you? What are you trying to be?

The immorality of the world is disgusting and repulsive. Society twists the meaning of words like "respect" and "love" into unnatural and impure things. To gain respect, you have to earn it. Sell the most drugs on the street. Drink more than "so and so". Sleep with "that girl or boy". Respect, according to Dictionary.com, is "esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person, a personal quality or ability, or something considered as a manifestation of a personal quality or ability". Everyone "deserves" respect and I was raised to respect everyone. Of course, everyone's not perfect. I've been disrespectful, but never on such a level as society promotes. You say, "Yes m'am or Yes sir", not "Yeah" or "Whatever dude". I've noticed so many parents are caught up in their own business and lives, that they aren't guarding their families. Teenagers are cussing in front of younger siblings, which later spread their new vocabulary to their friends. I had never heard the "f-bomb" until late middle school or early high school, however, one of the children in my sister's fourth grade class shared it with her and her classmates. This is UNACCEPTABLE. Love, a feeling that one cannot describe, is EVERYWHERE today. Unnatural love (same-sex relationships) are promoted, while the one man and one woman unified in Holy Matrimony has been reduced to rarity. To me, love is one man, one time, forever. I want to be married, ONCE. I want to only "be with" ONE person. Society has an inclination to leave out the side effects of multiple loves and lovers. A relationship is between 2 people, not 2 people and a mistress. Love is pure and respect and today's relationships are FAR from purity or respect. Today, love is being with someone for a few days then breaking up. Today, love is leaving your girlfriend or boyfriend for someone you've been secretly talking to for a year and a half. Today, love is fake, a fraud, deceptive.

The world is impure, the people in it are cruel, and there is an ambush waiting on every television channel and radio station, even literature. So where does one find their identity in this selfish and unclean world?

Ask me.

Hussain, Bader. Beautiful Landscapes. Blog-spot. Web. 3 March, 2011.

1 comment:

  1. GO TAYLOR. I completely get what you're saying. We have to be the sunshine among the storm clouds. We can't change the whole world, but we may as well try to change our portion of it. Whenever anything bad happens, my mom simply tell me one thing "C'est la vie" (my mom speaks french quite well). That's life, and all we really can do is make the best of it.

